Monday, July 19, 2010

Skillet Lasagna

Today's dish is "Skillet Lasagna"

For a 10-12 inch stainless steel skillet (or cast iron), you will need the following:

1lb lean ground beef (or 1/2lb ground beef & 1/2lb Italian sausage)
1/2 box Pasta Barilla Mostacolli or Farfalle
1- 2lb+ jar of Spaghetti Sauce
4oz sour cream
3 slices of American cheese
2cups shredded mozzerella

Brown and drain meat. Boil pasta at the same time, cooking a few minutes less than the box's suggested cooking time. It wwill finish cooking in the oven. If pasta is done before meat, simply drain and set aside.
Return meat to skillet, add 3/4 of spaghetti sauce, stir with meat.
Break up American cheese slices into quarters and drop in sauce. Then drop spoons of sour cream in to the sauce. Mix/blend lightly. Sour cream should most remain in "dollops".
Then add pasta. Mix until coated, but don't over blend.
Top with all of shredded cheese.

Place your skillet, uncovered in a preheated 350-375deg oven for 20 (no more than this, it will get mushy). When 20 minutes is up, broil the top until lightly browned (like pizza looks). Let sit on stove-top for about 10 minutes before serving. This will allow it to thicken and be perfect temp for eating.

Let me know if you try this. It's a favorite in my house! My own personal creation :)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooo I hope to try this in the next few weeks, Tighe! It looks scrumptious!! <3 Love ya! :D
